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Rolf covenua

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25 March 11, 11:45
Demolition+Hammer - %D0%94%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%84%D0%B8%D1%8F (90 - 94)
Artist: Demolition Hammer
Album: Дискография
Year: 90 - 94
Style: Thrash Metal
Country: США
File size: 243.79 MB

1990 - Tortured Existence 00:48:38
1992 - Epidemic Of Violence 00:37:26
1994 - Time Bomb 00:39:33

Продолжительность: 2:05:37
3 March 11, 21:55
Flotsam+and+Jetsam+ - The+Cold+ (2010)
Artist: Flotsam and Jetsam
Album: The Cold
Year: 2010
Style: Power | Thrash Metal
Country: USA
File size: 93mb
01 Hypocrite 04:05
02 Take 04:19
03 The Cold 07:19
04 Black Cloud 04:41
05 Blackened Eyes Staring 04:38
06 Better Off Dead 05:43
07 Falling Short 05:12
08 Always 03:38
09 K.Y.A. 05:26
10 Secret Life 07:03
12 October 10, 14:40
Hatchery - Forced+To+Fight (2010)
Artist: Hatchery
Album: Forced To Fight
Year: 2010
Style: Thrash Metal
Country: Germany
01 - Genocide
02 - Little Brother
03 - Under One Flag
04 - We Are The Disease
05 - Forced To Fight
06 - Nothing
07 - Song 2.0
08 - Thrash Metal Union
09 - Tongues Of Decay
10 - Final Escape
9 July 10, 00:22
Psycho+Choke - Unraveling+Chaos (2010)
Artist: Psycho Choke
Album: Unraveling Chaos
Year: 2010
Style: Thrash Metal / Nu-Metal
Country: Greece
File size: 67 MB

01 intro 01:23
02 freedom in a bottle of scotch 04:24
03 get down 04:00
04 death by words 05:51
05 streetwise (caramba) 05:26
06 obey 04:46
07 swamp 05:36
08 fire in the hole 04:55
09 dummy 04:11
10 outro 01:15
12 June 10, 23:18
Hatchery - Forced+To+Fight (2010)
Artist: Hatchery
Album: Forced To Fight
Year: 2010
Style: Thrash Metal
Country: Germany
File size: 74 mb
01 - Genocide
02 - Little Brother
03 - Under One Flag
04 - We Are The Disease
05 - Forced To Fight
06 - Nothing
07 - Song 2.0
08 - Thrash Metal Union
09 - Tongues Of Decay
10 - Final Escape
7 May 10, 23:32
Pro-Pain+ - Absolute+Power (2010)
Artist: Pro-Pain
Album: Absolute Power
Year: 2010
Style: Groove Metal / Thrash Metal / Hardcore
Country: USA
File size: 76

01. Unrestrained
02. Destroy The Enemy
03. Stand My Ground
04. Road To Nowhere
05. AWOL
06. Hell On Earth
07. Divided We Stand
08. Gone Rogue (I Apologize)
09. Rise Of The Antichrist
10. Hate Coalition
31 March 10, 22:41
%D0%A0%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82+ - +%D0%9E%D0%B3%D0%BD%D0%B8+%D0%94%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B9+%D0%A0%D0%B5%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8+ (2010)
Artist: Раскат
Album: Огни Другой Реальности
Year: 2010
Style: Death Metal / Thrash Metal
Country: Россия
File size: 57
01. Intro
02. Master Of The Dead
03. Современный Инквизитор
04. Path To Eternity
05. Imitating Of Life
06. Правды Свет
07. Six Feet Under After Dawn
08. Но В Душе Твоей Мрак
09. Рву Вены
10. Умереть Одному
57 - 63 of 63
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